April Losey

Suzuki Viola Teacher in Redlands, CA


Meet April Losey: a performing violist, Suzuki trained teacher and teacher trainer and director of the Los Angeles Suzuki Institute. Based in Redlands, CA.

April needed her site updated, which was being run on an older web hosting client. The site was not responsive and did not direct clients in the way she was looking for. She had brilliant photos that could be highlighted to tell her story, all she needed was a refresh which we did through Squarespace’s new 7.1 platform. Now she can make edits to her site or call us in for future updates.

“My new website that Perch Consulting designed for me has been getting rave reviews from all my clients. The consultation and design process was smooth and efficient. Morgan provided excellent suggestions for the design and also listened carefully to my requests. I would 100% recommend!”

— April L.

Desktop Walkthrough

Mobile Walkthrough


Austin Suzuki Music School


Henrietta Brewer House